RM Analyzer Help

Action: FibRpt

FibRpt Creates a "Fibre Stress Check Report" for all or only one combination

Command This is automatically assigned from the previous selection - it can not be edited in this pad.
Combination(0-24) If there is no combination defined, the stress check will be done for all existing load combinations. If the combination number is input, the stress check will be done only for one load combination.
Stress limit no. The allowable stress value for certain element material will be compared with those one, calculated by the action
List File Name of list file, where the report of fibre stress checks will be stored.
  • If the default '*' is accepted, the name of the list file is fibrpt.lst
  • If there is no input, no list file will be created!
Delta-T Duration of the Action (not applicable for this action)
Description Descriptive text for the selected Action (max. 80 characters)
Note: Elements, for which no fiber stress check report should be done, must be switched off in Menu ELEM/CHECKS!